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Died alive

Poet: Jenny By: Jenny, Islalmabad

When ever I wake up
I see a new load of challenges ahead.
But I’ll never give up.
Will stay strong and shall fight instead.

The day I got ma sash and baj,
I took an oath under that flag.
That I’ll never step back, for risking ma life,
To safe those million souls,
It’ll be ma greatest honor,
When people shall make me as their heart’s owner,

I’m on ma way,
I’m on ma way,
To shed our enemies blood,
Leaving ma family and love one’s behind
Once, I’m gone it can’t be rewind
It can’t be rewind.

Come’ on get going fast,
Today let the battle begin,
For the cause that bought us here,
Let our enemies know,
Death aint the thing we fear.

We don’t let our legs to shake,
Because we hear people telling stories,
That Soldier’s are brave.
Faith is our greatest weapon.
We don’t care if our life’s taken.

Because we know that,
Even if we are dead,
People will keep us alive,
In their memories,
So I’m on ma way,
I’m on ma way,
To die alive

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Views: 391
25 Apr, 2012
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