From Dawn of a New Discovery
flying kites in Pakistan
Under the starts at night,
under the stars so bright,
barely a cloud to be seen,
moon rich and bright,
under the stars at night;
Up on the roof at night,
lit up by the Pakistani moonlight;
not afraid,
despite the danger
in the Lahore streets
the danger of the police,
safe and out of sight;
under the stars at night
city of Karachi,
so much to be seen,
kites flying in the wind;
up on the roof at nightlong
string flying like dove in my hand
string in his,
looking up towards the wind;
neighbors to the right,
string fluttering like a captured butterfly,
string in his—
two roofs in the night;
clever little kites—
flying in controlled somersaults,
up and down they dart—
like two works of flying art;
under the stars at night—
strings sharp as a knife,
danger to the left danger to the right—
flying our kites,
under the stars at night;
Flying my kite at night—
safe and out of sight,
wind blowing just right,
two kites darting in and out;
letting go a quiet shout—
hours and hours go drift by,
under the starry nighttime sky—
like two sailing ships
skimming across the moonlit sea
under the stars and under the night—
safely out of sight,
on the roof,
flying my kite,
wind blowing just right—
—just right,
Pakistani night.