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PLAINT ( FARYAAD) OF A BIRD WHO IS Confined In A Cage By Humans.

Poet: Najamuddin Ghanghro By: Najamuddin Ghanghro, Karachi

I yearn for the early morning breeze
Lifting the feathers on my wings
The harmonic songs of the blackbird
Intruding entrance into my soul
Caged birds don't sing

The svelte glide of the eagle
As its vigilant eyes scouts for prey
The urbane nature of the peacock
With its opaline, radiant colors

How beautiful are the dazzling stars
The smooth, rayon texture of the clouds
The placid utopia of the sky
Seems to be another realm to me

I miss the coven of the elders
On the tree branches in the forests
Watching the humans hunt for bucks
As we ate scrumptious meals of worms

Now, all that is lost forever
Left in this two by three feet cell
To rot inside a metal shell
With the paintings on the wall

No wind, no clouds, no stars in the sky
Not even the feeling of hope
To keep my company in hell
My wings have long lost their plaint sway

The story line of my life was written
With a dark, sordid color of gloom
Though my cage is surrounded by paradise
Still caged birds don't sing

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Views: 540
04 Oct, 2012
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