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Power Makes Fiends

Poet: Saba Tayyab By: Saba Tayyab, wah

Soft burden is only showoff.
wants always to hide herself,
but the staring eyes disclose her.
A piece only to entertain.
A game ,but herself bare a pain.

Burden holders are sacred.
wearing a mask, stainless.
Sometimes they striping off.
They are pious not infront of everyone.

They are mercifull so ,
give award to those, who have no force.
Their eyes always see for the prey,
but the internal stains flashing from their eyes.
Sweet, but politican.

Soft burden are sluts .
Source,for burden holders to weaken their passions.
These are your comments without truth.
we have no stainless mask to wear,but
when the rescue peals are remove ,the pulp is pious.

[i write that poem because i witness my surroundings.i see the male chauvinism in our society .i see how the rights of female are squeeze and in the name of religion how they play with women and by their own selves they do not know what religion is. like we see in sawat what they do with little innocent girl this is what i want to explain .Here soft burden are females and burden holders are males .This poem is totally based on satire and irony.hope you people like it or may be not]

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Views: 370
16 Apr, 2009
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