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we will make you peaceful land

Poet: usman Akaash By: muhammad usman, rawalpindi

O'my country,one day we'll make you peaceful land
you 'll wake up n see,all differences would be abolish,
the Sindhi and Punjabi,the Bloch and path-ans,
would work together holding each others hand
O'my country,one day we'll make you peaceful land,
you'll wake up and see,all the sectarian leaders,
would agree that they all 're the creature of same hand
o''my country ,one day we'll make you peaceful land
you ,ll awake up and see,the skin would not matter,
the people of difference creeds would pray together
O'my country,one day we'll make you a peaceful land,
you'll wake up and see,all people walking hand in hand
sunni and sheia'h,waahabi and deuband,
praying together holding each others hand
O' my country,one day,we'll make you a peaceful land
you'll wake up and see,yours industries yielding grand,
when your all businessman and workers work hand in hand
they 'll work together under the seas and on land
O' my country,one day we'll make you peaceful land
you'll wake up and see,your all cities would be free
from the curse of terrorism and load shedding,
your scientist and doctors,your politicians and soldiers.
would work together ,holding each other hands

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Views: 1203
29 Mar, 2015
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