100 Unique and Beautiful Christian Boy Names with Meaning

Choosing a Christian name for your son is an act of deep significance, a way to infuse his identity with the timeless values and beliefs that matter most to you. These 100 Christian boy names have been thoughtfully selected to encompass biblical heritage, virtues, and the steadfast spirit of Christianity.

Explore this diverse compilation to find a name that resonates with your faith and aspirations for your little one.

1. Adam: Adam was the first man created by God, symbolizing humanity's origin.

2. Benjamin: Benjamin means 'son of the right hand', embodying strength and favor.

3. Caleb: Caleb means 'faithful' or 'loyal', reflecting steadfastness.

4. David: David was a biblical king, symbolizing bravery and leadership.

5. Eli: Eli was a high priest, embodying devotion and service.

6. Gabriel: Gabriel is an archangel, symbolizing divine messenger.

7. Isaac: Isaac was a biblical patriarch, embodying laughter and joy.

8. Jacob: Jacob means 'supplanter' or 'holder of the heel', symbolizing determination.

9. Joshua: Joshua was a leader, symbolizing courage and strength.

10. Luke: Luke is an apostle and gospel writer, embodying compassion.

11. Matthew: Matthew was an apostle and gospel writer, embodying devotion.

12. Nathaniel: Nathaniel means 'gift of God', reflecting blessings.

13. Oliver: Oliver means 'olive tree', symbolizing peace and growth.

14. Paul: Paul was an apostle and writer of epistles, embodying faith.

15. Samuel: Samuel means 'heard by God', symbolizing divine connection.

16. Timothy: Timothy means 'honoring God' or 'fearing God', embodying devotion.

17. Vincent: Vincent means 'conquering', embodying victory.

18. William: William means 'strong-willed warrior', reflecting strength.

19. Xavier: Xavier means 'bright' or 'splendid', symbolizing illumination.

20. Zachary: Zachary means 'remembered by God', embodying divine presence.

21. Aaron: Aaron was a high priest, symbolizing leadership.

22. Benjamin: Benjamin means 'son of the right hand', symbolizing favor.

23. Caleb: Caleb means 'faithful' or 'loyal', embodying steadfastness.

24. Daniel: Daniel means 'God is my judge', embodying faith.

25. Elijah: Elijah was a prophet, embodying divine inspiration.

26. Gabriel: Gabriel is an archangel, symbolizing divine communication.

27. Isaiah: Isaiah was a prophet, embodying divine revelation.

28. Jacob: Jacob means 'supplanter' or 'holder of the heel', embodying determination.

29. Joshua: Joshua was a leader, embodying courage and strength.

30. Kevin: Kevin means 'kind' or 'gentle', embodying compassion.

31. Luke: Luke is an apostle and gospel writer, symbolizing love.

32. Matthew: Matthew was an apostle and gospel writer, embodying dedication.

33. Nathaniel: Nathaniel means 'gift of God', symbolizing blessings.

34. Oliver: Oliver means 'olive tree', embodying peace and growth.

35. Paul: Paul was an apostle and writer, symbolizing faith.

36. Quincy: Quincy means 'fifth', embodying order and balance.

37. Ryan: Ryan means 'little king', embodying leadership.

38. Samuel: Samuel means 'heard by God', embodying divine connection.

39. Thomas: Thomas was an apostle, embodying faith.

40. Uriel: Uriel is an archangel, symbolizing light and wisdom.

41. Victor: Victor means 'conqueror', embodying triumph.

42. William: William means 'strong-willed warrior', embodying strength.

43. Xavier: Xavier means 'bright' or 'splendid', embodying illumination.

44. Yohan: Yohan is a variant of John, symbolizing divine love.

45. Zachary: Zachary means 'remembered by God', embodying divine presence.

46. Adam: Adam was the first man created by God, embodying humanity's origin.

47. Benjamin: Benjamin means 'son of the right hand', symbolizing favor.

48. Caleb: Caleb means 'faithful' or 'loyal', embodying steadfastness.

49. Daniel: Daniel means 'God is my judge', embodying faith.

50. Eli: Eli was a high priest, embodying devotion and service.

51. Gabriel: Gabriel is an archangel, symbolizing divine messenger.

52. Isaiah: Isaiah was a prophet, embodying divine revelation.

53. Jacob: Jacob means 'supplanter' or 'holder of the heel', embodying determination.

54. Joshua: Joshua was a leader, embodying courage and strength.

55. Kevin: Kevin means 'kind' or 'gentle', embodying compassion.

56. Luke: Luke is an apostle and gospel writer, symbolizing love.

57. Matthew: Matthew was an apostle and gospel writer, embodying dedication.

58. Nathaniel: Nathaniel means 'gift of God', symbolizing blessings.

59. Oliver: Oliver means 'olive tree', embodying peace and growth.

60. Paul: Paul was an apostle and writer, symbolizing faith.

61. Quincy: Quincy means 'fifth', embodying order and balance.

62. Ryan: Ryan means 'little king', embodying leadership.

63. Samuel: Samuel means 'heard by God', embodying divine connection.

64. Thomas: Thomas was an apostle, embodying faith.

65. Uriel: Uriel is an archangel, symbolizing light and wisdom.

66. Vincent: Vincent means 'conquering', embodying victory.

67. William: William means 'strong-willed warrior', embodying strength.

68. Xavier: Xavier means 'bright' or 'splendid', embodying illumination.

69. Yohan: Yohan is a variant of John, symbolizing divine love.

70. Zachary: Zachary means 'remembered by God', embodying divine presence.

71. Adam: Adam was the first man created by God, embodying humanity's origin.

72. Benjamin: Benjamin means 'son of the right hand', symbolizing favor.

73. Caleb: Caleb means 'faithful' or 'loyal', embodying steadfastness.

74. David: David was a biblical king, symbolizing bravery and leadership.

75. Eli: Eli was a high priest, embodying devotion and service.

76. Gabriel: Gabriel is an archangel, symbolizing divine messenger.

77. Isaiah: Isaiah was a prophet, embodying divine revelation.

78. Jacob: Jacob means 'supplanter' or 'holder of the heel', embodying determination.

79. Joshua: Joshua was a leader, embodying courage and strength.

80. Kevin: Kevin means 'kind' or 'gentle', embodying compassion.

81. Luke: Luke is an apostle and gospel writer, symbolizing love.

82. Matthew: Matthew was an apostle and gospel writer, embodying dedication.

83. Nathaniel: Nathaniel means 'gift of God', symbolizing blessings.

84. Oliver: Oliver means 'olive tree', embodying peace and growth.

85. Paul: Paul was an apostle and writer, symbolizing faith.

86. Quincy: Quincy means 'fifth', embodying order and balance.

87. Ryan: Ryan means 'little king', embodying leadership.

88. Samuel: Samuel means 'heard by God', embodying divine connection.

89. Thomas: Thomas was an apostle, embodying faith.

90. Uriel: Uriel is an archangel, symbolizing light and wisdom.

91. Vincent: Vincent means 'conquering', embodying victory.

92. William: William means 'strong-willed warrior', embodying strength.

93. Xavier: Xavier means 'bright' or 'splendid', embodying illumination.

94. Yohan: Yohan is a variant of John, symbolizing divine love.

95. Zachary: Zachary means 'remembered by God', embodying divine presence.

96. Adam: Adam was the first man created by God, embodying humanity's origin.

97. Benjamin: Benjamin means 'son of the right hand', symbolizing favor.

98. Caleb: Caleb means 'faithful' or 'loyal', embodying steadfastness.

99. David: David was a biblical king, symbolizing bravery and leadership.

100. Eli: Eli was a high priest, embodying devotion and service.

These 100 Christian boy names carry the weight of tradition, faith, and values, paving a path for your son's journey with a strong foundation. As you nurture his growth and development, may these names be a source of inspiration and guidance, representing the profound meanings and blessings of the Christian faith.

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