Italian Last Names with Meanings

Italian surnames offer a glimpse into family history and location. Many come from descriptions like Rossi ("red") or Bianchi ("white"), referring to hair color. Others reflect jobs (Fabbri - "craftsman") or birthplace (Lombardi - "from Lombardy"). Nicknames (Bellini - "beautiful") and even abandoned children (Esposito - "exposed") are also surname sources. Dive into Italian genealogy by exploring the stories behind these fascinating last names!

Italian last names, or cognomi, carry a unique charm that resonates with the country’s rich history and culture. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of these surnames.

Top 10 Italian Last Names

Italian Last Names Meaning
Abate Derived from the Latin word for priest.
Ajello Field. A name commonly given to farmers.
Bonetti Hatmaker
Capo Head, chief, or boss. Variations of this last name include Caputo and Capone.
Carbone Coal or charcoal.
Caruso A name often given to a young apprentice.
Cattaneo Captain.
Conte/Conti Companion of the count. A likely name given to someone who worked for a count or on their estate.
Coppola This name means little hat in the Neapolitan dialect and was a name given to hat makers.
Fabbri Craftsman

Best Italian Last Names

Italian surnames often have interesting stories behind them. They can be derived from occupations, geographical features, or even personal characteristics. For instance, the surname ‘Ferraro’ translates to ‘blacksmith’, while ‘Russo’ means ‘red’, possibly referring to someone with red hair.

Certainly! Here are 100 Unique Italian last names along with their meanings:

1, Rossi Derived from the Italian word "rosso," meaning "red."

2, Russo Derived from the Italian word "russo," meaning "Russian."

3, Ferrari Derived from the Italian word "ferro," meaning "iron."

4, Esposito Derived from the Italian word "esposto," meaning "exposed" or "abandoned."

5, Bianchi Derived from the Italian word "bianco," meaning "white."

6, Romano Derived from the Italian word "romano," meaning "Roman."

7, Colombo Derived from the Italian word "colombo," meaning "dove" or "pigeon."

8, Ricci Derived from the Italian word "riccio," meaning "curly" or "frizzy."

9, Marino Derived from the Italian word "marino," meaning "marine" or "of the sea."

10, Conti Derived from the Italian word "conte," meaning "count" or "earl."

11, De Luca Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the given name "Luca."

12, Moretti Derived from the Italian word "moretto," meaning "dark

13, Rizzo Derived from the Italian word "riccio," meaning "curly" or "frizzy."

14, Lombardi Derived from the Italian region of Lombardy.

15, Barbieri Derived from the Italian word "barbiere," meaning "barber."

16, Greco Derived from the Italian word "greco," meaning "Greek."

17, Santoro Derived from the Italian word "santo," meaning "saint," and the suffix "

18, Ferrara Derived from the Italian city of Ferrara.

19, Mariani Derived from the Italian given name "Mariano," meaning "belonging to Mary."

20, Martini Derived from the Italian given name "Martino," meaning "warlike."

21, Costa Derived from the Italian word "costa," meaning "coast" or "shore."

22, Mancini Derived from the Italian word "mancino," meaning "left

23, Caruso Derived from the Italian word "caruso," meaning "boy" or "lad."

24, Russo Derived from the Italian word "russo," meaning "Russian."

25, Barbieri Derived from the Italian word "barbiere," meaning "barber."

26, Giordano Derived from the Italian given name "Giordano," meaning "Jordan."

27, Gallo Derived from the Italian word "gallo," meaning "rooster."

28, De Santis Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the word "santo," meaning "saint."

29, Mancini Derived from the Italian word "mancino," meaning "left

30, Leoni Derived from the Italian word "leone," meaning "lion."

31, Ricciardi Derived from the Italian given name "Ricciardo," meaning "powerful ruler."

32, Vitale Derived from the Italian word "vitale," meaning "vital" or "alive."

33, Rinaldi Derived from the Italian given name "Rinaldo," meaning "wise ruler."

34, Marini Derived from the Italian given name "Marino," meaning "marine" or "of the sea."

35, Sala Derived from the Italian word "sala," meaning "hall" or "room."

36, Sanna Derived from the Italian word "sano," meaning "healthy" or "sound."

37, Ferraro Derived from the Italian word "ferro," meaning "iron."

38, Marchetti Derived from the Italian word "marchese," meaning "marquis."

39, Bernardi Derived from the Italian given name "Bernardo," meaning "brave as a bear."

40, Caputo Derived from the Italian word "capo," meaning "head" or "chief."

41, Basile Derived from the Italian given name "Basileo," meaning "royal" or "kingly."

42, Ferretti Derived from the Italian word "ferro," meaning "iron."

43, Monti Derived from the Italian word "monte," meaning "mountain."

44, Russo Derived from the Italian word "russo," meaning "Russian."

45, Greco Derived from the Italian word "greco," meaning "Greek."

46, Neri Derived from the Italian word "nero," meaning "black."

47, D'amico Derived from the Italian word "d'amico," meaning "of the friend."

48, Bianco Derived from the Italian word "bianco," meaning "white."

49, Martinelli Derived from the Italian given name "Martino," meaning "warlike."

50, Mazzini Derived from the Italian word "mazza," meaning "mace" or "club."

51, Benedetti Derived from the Italian given name "Benedetto," meaning "blessed."

52, Pagano Derived from the Italian word "pagano," meaning "pagan" or "heathen."

53, Ferri Derived from the Italian word "ferro," meaning "iron."

54, Coppola Derived from the Italian word "coppola," meaning "hat" or "cap."

55, Santoro Derived from the Italian word "santo," meaning "saint," and the suffix "

56, De Luca Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the given name "Luca."

57, Testa Derived from the Italian word "testa," meaning "head."

58, De Angelis Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the word "angelis," meaning "angels."

59, Palumbo Derived from the Italian word "palombo," meaning "dove" or "pigeon."

60, De Santis Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the word "santo," meaning "saint."

61, De Rossi Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the word "rosso," meaning "red."

62, Rizzo Derived from the Italian word "riccio," meaning "curly" or "frizzy."

63, De Marco Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the given name "Marco."

64, Palumbo Derived from the Italian word "palombo," meaning "dove" or "pigeon."

65, D'angelo Derived from the Italian word "d'," meaning "of," and the word "angelo," meaning "angel."

66, Conte Derived from the Italian word "conte," meaning "count" or "earl."

67, Sartori Derived from the Italian word "sarto," meaning "tailor."

68, De Rosa Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the word "rosa," meaning "rose."

69, Orlando Derived from the Italian given name "Orlando," meaning "famous throughout the land."

70, Greco Derived from the Italian word "greco," meaning "Greek."

71, Santoro Derived from the Italian word "santo," meaning "saint," and the suffix "

72, Galli Derived from the Italian word "gallo," meaning "rooster."

73, Caputo Derived from the Italian word "capo," meaning "head" or "chief."

74, Bianchi Derived from the Italian word "bianco," meaning "white."

75, Ferri Derived from the Italian word "ferro," meaning "iron."

76, Donati Derived from the Italian given name "Donato," meaning "given" or "donated."

77, Marino Derived from the Italian word "marino," meaning "marine" or "of the sea."

78, Serra Derived from the Italian word "serra," meaning "mountain range."

79, Rossi Derived from the Italian word "rosso," meaning "red."

80, Caruso Derived from the Italian word "caruso," meaning "boy" or "lad."

81, Esposito Derived from the Italian word "esposto," meaning "exposed" or "abandoned."

82, Gatti Derived from the Italian word "gatto," meaning "cat."

83, Vitale Derived from the Italian word "vitale," meaning "vital" or "alive."

84, Russo Derived from the Italian word "russo," meaning "Russian."

85, Martino Derived from the Italian given name "Martino," meaning "warlike."

86, Pagano Derived from the Italian word "pagano," meaning "pagan" or "heathen."

87, Coppola Derived from the Italian word "coppola," meaning "hat" or "cap."

88, Ferretti Derived from the Italian word "ferro," meaning "iron."

89, Palmieri Derived from the Italian word "palma," meaning "palm tree."

90, Gatti Derived from the Italian word "gatto," meaning "cat."

91, Giordano Derived from the Italian given name "Giordano," meaning "Jordan."

92, Costa Derived from the Italian word "costa," meaning "coast" or "shore."

93, Rinaldi Derived from the Italian given name "Rinaldo," meaning "wise ruler."

94, Conti Derived from the Italian word "conte," meaning "count" or "earl."

95, Ricci Derived from the Italian word "riccio," meaning "curly" or "frizzy."

96, De Santis Derived from the Italian word "de," meaning "of," and the word "santo," meaning "saint."

97, Lombardi Derived from the Italian region of Lombardy.

98, Donati Derived from the Italian given name "Donato," meaning "given" or "donated."

99, Mariani Derived from the Italian given name "Mariano," meaning "belonging to Mary."

100, Pagano Derived from the Italian word "pagano," meaning "pagan" or "heathen."

These names often carry significant meanings related to characteristics, occupations, or historical contexts in Italian culture.

Popular Italian Last Names

Some Italian surnames have gained popularity worldwide. ‘Rossi’, meaning ‘red’, is the most common surname in Italy. Other popular surnames include ‘Russo’, ‘Ferrari’, and ‘Esposito’.

Regional Variations

Italy’s diverse regions have influenced the variety in surnames. Northern Italian surnames often end in ‘-i’, while those from the South frequently end in ‘-o’ or ‘-e’. For example, ‘Moretti’ is common in the North, while ‘Greco’ is prevalent in the South.

Italian Surnames in the Global Context

Italian surnames have spread globally due to immigration. In the U.S., for example, ‘Ferraro’ and ‘Bianchi’ are common Italian-origin surnames.


Italian last names are more than just identifiers; they are a gateway to the rich tapestry of Italian history and culture. Whether you’re tracing your genealogy or simply fascinated by name origins, exploring Italian surnames offers a captivating journey.

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