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"Owls of Mud"

Poet: Saba Tayyab By: Saba, wah cantt

In graveyard , the cooing of two birds.
Air rooming give the feeling of life.
The corposals wear the brown quilt.
Some in pangs some in regret.
The town of dead one's.
Live togather , but in a complete silence.
Who is there to break the silence?
Cooing of birds.
Little pearls of rain ,give me a life.
No only to realize dead ones that you are helpless.
Soft wild flowers, give me a peace.
Peace withered in hot summers.
These green carpets and curtains ,give me a courage.
These are brown in autumns.
The grave in my direction there are petals over it.
The grave in my direction there are stones over it.
I am a bird of migration.
But, i am a permenent inhabitant of this town.
God knows what will come next.

[This poem is basically about two different approaches of life. In the poem there are two birds having different minds or they are facing two different situations of life. one is much happy from its life and other is mush somber from its life. but its a fact that nobody is happy forever or nobody is sad for ever .The birds personify humans here. they are busy in chit chatt on a tree of grave yard.]

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Views: 346
14 May, 2009
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