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How Could He Be An Ordinary Man ? ...........A Dedication

Poet: Nadia Niaz By: Nadia Niaz, Rawalpindi

People used to say he was an ordinary man
I never agreed he was an ordinary man
He always proved himself to be extraordinary
After reading my words, you decide
How could he be an ordinary man ?

He never said you are complex
He never complained you are complicated
He never argued you are just sick
But he only whispered you are so innocent
How could he be an ordinary man ?

He observed the unseen
He heard the unsaid
He saw the unclear
He felt the untold
How could he be an ordinary man ?

When others couldn't get my cries
He was there to get my whispers
When others couldn't reach my mind
He was there to read my mind
How could he be an ordinary man ?

How calm he was after my wrath
How relaxed he was after my complains
How humble he was after my anger
How silent he was after my shouts
How could he be an ordinary man ?

Wasn't he an extraordinary man
Yes, he was not an ordinary man

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Views: 519
16 Sep, 2018
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