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Infection Of Love

Poet: Shah Nawaz Bokhari By: shah Nawaz Bokhari, Islamabad

Gradually we connect with,
Soul of thunder!
No one see us.
Presence each other,

How am I changing?
In the entrance of mind,
It’s true.

Can I take realize,
In the way, depth of love.
No one see you and me.
Nobody describe us.

In the way of, thoughts,
We will go to sky.
Forget all over the world,
We enter in Infection of Love.

The world has blame us,
Harsh words keep us,
My innocent Kulsoom!
How I protect you!

I keep on sword against the world.
Iron will to protect you.
In all the circumstances!

In the sense of Love,
We deprive of griefs,
The way, of happiness!
Waiting for us,
Thenforth, we understand,
Feeling of each other,
We are connecting in way of Sky!
My all words for you, Kulsoom!

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Views: 472
08 Jul, 2010
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