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Poet: Salwa Farooq Camran By: Salwa Farooq Camran, JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA


A time will come when we all have to go,
So, let’s prepare for the dark grave below.

My mother lay on a hospital bed,
For couple of months she was wretched.

On 15th of March I got a call,
“Hurry up” and go to I.C.U hall.

I rushed up quickly to reach on time,
But there all doctors’s stood up in a line.

I went to my mother where she was lying,
Then the doctor’s announced that my mother was dying.

I said “Mother please don’t leave me alone”,
Till my last breath I will moan.

Tears rolled down from my watery eyes,
And soon I heard a lot of cries.

“Mother, Mother” I screamed and said,
But by then she was already dead.

I prayed to ALLAH the Almighty,
Please take her soul very lightly.

My mother went through a lot of pain,
Please don’t make her suffer again.

Oh, ALLAH please give her the best,
And hope she passed in her worldly test.

May her soul rest in peace,
Her remembrance each day will increase.

On 16th of March 2010,
My mother was carried by a number of men.

Wrapped with white and covered with green,
She looked like a beauty queen.

With her happy and smiley face,
I stood up there and only gazed.

I kissed her hand and held her tight,
Hoping she will not leave my sight.

Then they carried her to her grave,
I raised my hand for a last wave.

I miss your touch your smile and your words,
I wish your disease could have been cured.

Desperately waiting for your love,
InshALLAH will see you in the Heaven above.

I love you mother and we will never part,
Till my last breath you will remain in my heart.

A time will come when we all have to go,
So, let’s prepare for the dark grave below.

Written by Your Daughter:
Salwa F. Camran
18th May 2010


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13 Jun, 2010
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