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Poet: Sarah By: Sarah, Karachi

I was sitting in the home alone ,
When the doorbell rang in a terrifying tone.
I went to open it with many questions in mind,
To my astonishment no one was there to find.
I shut the door back & rushed to my room,
And imagined a witch flying on a broom.
I was on my way, that the bell rang again,
I looked out of the window & found nothing but rain.
"Why the bell is ringing if no one's there"?
I tried to investigate with great dare.
With lights off i pretended to sleep,
The door slowly opened & i saw someone creep.
As the lights were off i couldn't notice him,
But whoever was he it was sure he was a grim.
I was shivering from head to toe,
He suddenly disappeared but left a bow,
I ezamined it carefully & noticed, it belonged to a girl
Another important thing was a shiny precious pearl.
I was about to discover the mystery when someone touched me,
It was my mother who was calling me for tea.
Thank God! it was just a dream,
Wait a minute ! have i heard someone scream

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Views: 786
14 Mar, 2010
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