50000+ Baby Names for Boys & Girls

Names are the life time identity of an individual in every society. Baby names have huge choices of names due to the vastness of all language. Parents can go through this webpage for latest baby names that are too adorable to resist. You can view names from different religions including Muslim Names and Hindu Names. Khadija, Teresa, Ali, Rahul, are the most liked name.

Browse Baby Names

Browse Boy Names by Alphabets
Browse Girls Names by Alphabets
Boys Names
Girls Names
Name Meaning
Ayan Gift Of God, Reward, Blessing
Zayan Beautiful, Hospitable, Graceful
Rayan Soft touch, Fresh, paradise gate
Arish Righteous, Nobel, A Brave Solider
Sufian Fast Moving, Light, Nimble, Companion Of Prophet
Rohaan As Pure Spirit, Spiritual, Kindhearted, Compassionate
Hashir One Who Assemble, Collector, Prophet’s Name
Hanzalah Pond, Water, Ditch, name of companion on Prophet
Irtaza Favorite, Chosen, Pleased, Satisfied
Meerab Water Surveillant, Water Master, Paradise Flower
More Boys Names
Name Meaning
Anabia The gate of heaven, the gate of paradise
Inaya Help, care, protection
Zoya Alive, Loving, Caring Girl
Naira radiant, brilliant, full of light
Neha Loving, Affectionate, Rain
Muntaha The Utmost, Highest Degree, High Status
Kashaf Revelation, Manifestation, Divination, Miracle
Zonaira Belt, strap, intelligent, wise, Paradise Flower
Arfa High-Status, Best, Sublime, The Mighty
Bareera Pious, Virtual, Self-Righteous, Religious
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Boys Names
Girls Names
Name Meaning
Akhlak Character; One
Dajjal Liar
Himaghana Sun
Eugen Well Born; Noble
Drayce Dragon, Modern Variant of Drake
Jovert Gift of God
Reginal Ruler with Counsel, Advisor to the
Kamaljeet Achiever of Perfection
Nomi Dream
Ekachandra The Only Moon
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Name Meaning
Lasima LasimaClever
Parnavi Bird
Bakhit Fortunate, Lucky, Happy
Sibangi Goddess Parvati
Tanvie Young Lady
Badriyyah Resembling The Full Moon.
Wahina Gift from Prophet
Tresita Faith
Raga In Sanskrit meaning is : Harmony; melody; feeling; beauty
More Girls Names
Boys Names
Girls Names
Name Meaning
Siddha Lord Shiva
Sidique Companion; Friend
Kalimohan A Devotee of Goddess Kali
Arteshtar Warrior, Soldier
Paora Paul
Fearnhamm From the Fern Field
Srimanta God of Wealth
Asad Ahmed Lion, Virtuous, FortunatePraise Worthy, Noble, Commendable, Name Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Suqrat Wise
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Name Meaning
Balashi Care; Attention
Khan Zadi Sardar'S Daughter
Briva Bravery
Bintulbahr Daughter Of The Sea
Sumeen Very Expensive
Aakashi Sky Colour
Sharil Little, Womanly
Kaunan KaunanJalwa
Madulatha Lovely Vine, Sweet Creeper
Huviskha Flower
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Boys Names Girls Names
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Interesting Names Blogs

India is the home of various cultures, traditions and languages and all such factors are responsible for naming traditions of Old India. Though current trending names are steadily increasing, most unusual and antique names have more focus and meaning.

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Selecting an appropriate name for a baby girl is a fascinating yet difficult process that parents face. Names in India have profound social and religious connotations primarily because the country has a great cultural and historical background. Still, many modern names have emerged today, but parents still love the traditional and appealing old Indian names.

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আপনার মেয়ের জন্য একটি নাম নির্বাচন করা একটি বিশেষ মুহূর্ত। এটি একটি বিশেষ শব্দ বাছাই করার মতো যা তার পরিচয় হবে এবং দেখাবে যে সে কোথা থেকে এসেছে। বাংলা নামগুলি সুন্দর শোনায় এবং গভীর অর্থের জন্য পরিচিত। আমরা 100টি বাঙালি মেয়ের নামের একটি তালিকা করেছি তাদের অর্থ সহ আপনাকে আপনার ছোট্টটির জন্য নিখুঁত নাম খুঁজে পেতে সহায়তা করতে।

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ইসলামী সংস্কৃতিতে মুসলিম নামের তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ গুরুত্ব রয়েছে এবং পিতামাতারা অত্যন্ত যত্ন ও বিবেচনার সাথে সেগুলি বেছে নেন। মুসলিম সম্প্রদায়ের ছেলেদের দেওয়া নামগুলির গভীর অর্থ রয়েছে, প্রায়শই ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতিতে নিহিত।

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পাকিস্তানে, বাবা-মা সাধারণত সাংস্কৃতিক, ধর্মীয় এবং ব্যক্তিগত পছন্দের উপর ভিত্তি করে তাদের সন্তানের নাম রাখেন। কিছু অনন্য পাকিস্তানি নামের মধ্যে রয়েছে আরিবা, হিনা, জয়নাব, জারা, আকসা, আদিল, আসিম, ফয়জান এবং হারিস। এই নামগুলি সাধারণত পাকিস্তানে ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং এর বিভিন্ন অর্থ এবং উত্স রয়েছে। যেমন আরেবা মানে "জ্ঞানী" বা "বুদ্ধিমান", হিনা মানে "তৃণভূমি" এবং জয়নাব মানে "সুগন্ধি ফুল।"

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যমজ শিশুদের নামকরণ এখন এই প্ল্যাটফর্মের মাধ্যমে সহজ হয়ে গেছে যেখানে যমজ মুসলিম শিশু কন্যার নাম তালিকাভুক্ত করা হয়েছে৷ সমস্ত নাম অর্থ সহ সংকলিত হয় যা একে অপরকে পুরোপুরি পরিপূরক করে। আপনার যমজ মেয়েদের জন্য নিখুঁত জোড়া নাম চয়ন করুন।

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Baby Names with Meaning

Choosing the perfect baby’s name is a crucial aspect of parenting, as a person's name plays a significant role in shaping their identity. Whether influenced by religious beliefs, societal norms, or cultural practices, parents are encouraged to select names thoughtfully, recognizing the profound impact they can have on a child's personality. Explore a diverse range of trendy Muslim baby names and Christian baby names. Our carefully curated list combines tradition with modernity, ensuring meaningful and stylish choices for your child's identity.

Top 1000 Baby Names in the U.S

When it comes to selecting a name for your baby girl, our comprehensive list offers a myriad of options, each with its own unique significance. From traditional names steeped in cultural heritage to trendy and modern choices, our curated collection ensures that parents can find the perfect name that resonates with their values and preferences.

For parents seeking a meaningful and stylish name for their baby boy, our list of boy names provides a diverse array of options. Whether you prefer classic names with timeless appeal or contemporary names that reflect current trends, our carefully selected names are sure to inspire you in choosing the ideal name for your son.

Trendy Baby Names

Are you searching for trendy baby names that reflect both tradition and modernity? Our comprehensive guide provides a diverse selection of Hindu baby names, meticulously curated to ensure meaningful and stylish choices for your child's identity.

When it comes to choosing a name for your baby girl, our list of girl names offers a range of options, from traditional to trendy, each with its own unique significance. Whether you're drawn to names rooted in cultural heritage or those that embody modern trends, you'll find the perfect name that resonates with your values and preferences.

All Boy Names A to Z

Similarly, for parents seeking a meaningful and stylish name for their baby boy, our curated collection of boy names is sure to inspire. Whether you prefer classic names with timeless appeal or contemporary names that reflect current trends, our comprehensive list has something for every parent looking to make a thoughtful choice for their son's identity.

Start your search for the best baby name with us, where tradition meets modernity, ensuring that your child's name carries significance and style in today's diverse world.