(Written by ‘Arham Shafiq’)
For: “James Blunt”
Billy, I love the way you play guitar...
Like the way your green eyes shine...
I wanna follow your footsteps…
Wanna talk about your lifestyle…
And wanna walk on that line...
My blue eyes shine...
And I feel pleasure,
When I see u shining in the bright light...
I feel proud,
When I see journalists hanging around you all the time...
When u dawn beautifully,
Bright my world like crystal stars...
I feel high...
When u sing rhapsody for my deserted heart...
Oh Billy...!
I see thousands around u, applaud...
Can't control their emotions...
Beg for more light…
‘Cause you enlightened their spotty hearts...
And all the papers say,
"TIDWORTH created a superstar"
And Billy you live on the stars...
That dances every night...
And make us feel so joyous...