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Gul a Heaven's bull

Poet: Saba Tayyab By: Saba Tayyab, wah

Today one more left his soul
one over here in us and one over there in
He lived in a world of wisdom,
Now he lives in heaven's hum drum.

found your heritage
under majestic calligraphical grave.
you played with colors,
Now colors play with you.

where the green carpet
over which you lay, on those flowers you made.
A sheltering tree a house of cooing birds.
you drop your brush and catch your deeds.

Gul you are now in heaven's calligraphical hall,
and a task is assignee to you by God,
use your wisdom and recall.
spread your thoughts in heaven's walls.

[basically i wrote this poetry whem MR GULL GEE was died .i was very shocked because i like him so much because of his paintings and calligraphy.i like art so much before getting english literature i had a subject of fine arts , so i always admire his work. that day when he was murdered my thoughts forced me to hold a pen in my hand and by using words give relief from a pain in my heart so i cant engulf my thoughts .so this is all about the history of this poem i don't know you accept it or not ,but this is my little effort .i have a request from the editor that please publish this tribute to GULL GEE from my side in your newspaper thanks]


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15 Apr, 2009
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