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My Eternal Muse

Poet: Sanjha Sanwal By: Sanjha Sanwal, Matli

In the depths of my heart a world of emotions resonates
and at its core you reside
You are the eternal muse of my poetry
the gentle breeze that stirs the ink in my soul

Every verse every line every word
is a testament to the love I hold for you
Your presence in my life is the rhythm
that sets my heart beating the melody
that echoes through every moment

You are the essence of my art
the soul of my creativity
and the reason my poetry exists
Without you my words would be empty
my heart silent

In the quiet hours of the night
I hear the whispers of my heart
and it speaks only of you
Forever and always my love
my mentor my everything

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Views: 96
19 Dec, 2024
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