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YYYYYYYY I Am Lonelyyyyyyyy

Poet: Iram nawaz By: Iram nawaz, Lahore

Lonely I, lonely love you,
Lonely I, surrounded by nothing,
Lonely I, pieced and waiting,
Lonely I, cursed without you.
Lonely I, sit and think,
Lonely I, was before I met you,
Lonely I, hopeless still love you,
Lonely I, pain and nothing.
Lonely I, in the darkness,
Lonely I, with my tears,
Lonely I, sorrow and hate,
Lonely I, is this my fate?
Lonely I, Thinks that I should wait,
Lonely I, Am I so Late?
Lonely I, Lonely Love you,
Lonely I, Always Dreming of You
Lonely I, Lonely Love you

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Views: 312
21 Feb, 2014
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