Urdu Novels – Who has never read any Urdu reading material? No one can claim so! Living in Pakistan makes you familiar with various Urdu stories and novels right from the schooling time. The parents a
Haya Ghazal
farah ejaz
Aslam Lodhi
Aasia Abdullah
Sana Luqman
شکیل اختر رانا
Naila Rani
Ghulam Ibn-e-Sultan
Mariyam Jahangir
Reyaz Ahmad
امین صدرالدین بھایانی
Ainee Niazi
Ghulam Ibnesultan
Ansari Nafis
Abdulaziz Syed Ali Shah
وشمہ خان وشمہ
Ansari Nafees
نوید رزاق بٹ
Dr Saleem Khan
Rubina Ahsan
Urdu Novels – Who has never read any Urdu reading material? No one can claim so! Living in Pakistan makes you familiar with various Urdu stories and novels right from the schooling time. The parents and teachers narrate you various Urdu novels and stories that are in your text books and story books. As you grow up, the passion of reading classic Urdu novels gets higher. The habit of reading is highly admired by all. You grow up with this habit that develops into a passion. You can access plenty of Urdu novels / articles in your college or university library but none at home. Reading Urdu novels is therefore a declining trend that is revived by the availability of Urdu Novels/Articles online. The authentic readers of Urdu are welcome to quench their thirst for classic Urdu novels from this page. You can access Urdu novels written in genre of romance, suspense, fiction and drama. Reading Urdu Novels can help you to improve your Urdu language skills in the best possible manner. Romantic Urdu novels are for those who love to spend their leisure hours in some fruitful reading. Novel Articles engages the readers with amazing storyline and characters that make you come back for more and more. It makes it the most authentic way to learn the language. We have many libraries with wide collection of Urdu Novels, but with the passage of time it gets really difficult to catch up with the novels and therefore we stick to online Urdu Novels that can be browsed easily. Are you a fan of Urdu literature and prefer reading some interesting masterpieces? It becomes utterly impossible at times to get hold of your favorite novel. Online novel reading facility is a great service for all the book worms. HamariWeb brings you an amazing page with some unique and interest grabbing romantic Urdu novels online uploaded episode wise. You can read them episode by episode online by simply clicking on the title. The selection of Urdu Novels for this page is made smartly keeping in mind the taste of our respected users. You will never be felt alone wandering in boredom as romantic Urdu Novels online is here to be your companion.